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The Monroe Wrestling Club is open to youth wrestlers in grades Kindergarten through 8th grade. The goal of the program is to expose kids to youth amateur wrestling in a positive environment. Practices will involve basic wrestling skills from three positions: top, bottom, and standing position. Conditioning, games, drills and live wrestling will help develop proper technique while keeping the practice atmosphere fun.
Click here to view the Registration Form (updated form coming soon).
Coaching Certification
Tournament Information
A USA wrestling card is your wrestler's identification card. This is needed in order to register for tournaments, as well as it is necessary to have before your wrestler can practice.
Click here for the USA Card Application information.
Monroe Wrestling Club, Inc. (MWC) promotes the notion that children’s sports are supposed to be fun! MWC parents, fans, coaches and athletes will take responsibility for their actions; understanding that their words and actions have a lasting emotional effect on children. By following the code of conduct and making every season about personal growth, skills, character development, and enjoyment of the sport, our wrestlers will be more likely to stay connected to a sport, which will in turn, help them to achieve life success.
Click here to view the Code of Conduct.
Monroe Wrestling Club is moving to SportsYou (no longer using Remind) as our main communication tool. There are so many more features to this App. Please sign up for this (mandatory) to receive updates and other important information.
Click here to find out how to get set up.
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